Thursday, March 10, 2011

Welcome to our Blog

Hi there fellow managers!

My name is Bash Halow, I'm a consultant working with referral and general practices in NY, PA and MD.  I love the practices that I work with and the eager-to-succeed team members employed there.

In my experience, many hospitals have all the ingredients necessary to improve the care they provide their clients and patients and to become a work place that's rewarding and fun to be at.  For this reason, 'fixing' practices isn't as challenging as you think it might be.  All of the management tools required for a smooth running operation are already well established, tried and tested; you just  have to know where to find them and how to use them.  You'll also discover that the majority of your team members are eager for change and just as frustrated  with the problems in their work place as you are.  The biggest road block to change isn't a shortage of solutions or a well intended staff, the biggest block is entropy.  It's all those feelings that you have that it can't be done, it will be too hard, that you don't have time or that you have to wait till you find a better staff.

All of that is just head noise.  You can start now, you can improve,  and your efforts will make a positive impact on your team.  We've never seen a hospital where it isn't so.

My associates and I delight in working with all of our practices as closely as possible.  We visit at least once a month and we're in touch by phone, live webinars and email the rest of the time. We don't just coorespond to managers and owners, but suss out the strengths of everyone: kennel workers, client service representatives, assistants, technicians and doctors and get them involved in our plans for success and change.

It's exceedingly rare to find a practice that cannot be improved.  Like gardening, some seeds don't sprout unless they're planted at the right depth and watered the right way, so we make sure we figure out what and who we're dealing with and get it right.  Staff members interested in being part of something better step up, and if there are other members of your team that aren't interested in bettering themselves and decide to leave, the enthusiastic members of your team often shine all the brighter and fill in the gaps.

Until we have a chance to talk and meet with you, we'll keep you posted on what we're doing as a company and some helpful information that we run across that might be valuable.  Be sure to call on us if we can be of help.  Our contact information is on our website.

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